I am a fourth year CS PhD in the MIT Data Systems Group, where I work on applying machine learning to database systems. I am advised by Prof. Tim Kraska.
I also collaborate with Prof. Michael Mitzenmacher on learned filters. I have interned at Microsoft Research with Anshuman Dutt, Vivek Narasayya and Surajit Chaudhuri from the DMX group on learned query optimisation. I completed my bachelors in Computer Science at IIT Bombay where I worked with Prof. Sudarshan.
[CV] [Google Scholar]
Can Models Replace Hash Functions?.[news]
Kapil Vaidya*, Ibrahim Sabek*, Dominik Horn, Andreas Kipf, Michael Mitzenmacher and Tim Kraska.
VLDB 2023.
SNARF: A Learning-Enhanced Range Filter.[code]
Kapil Vaidya, Subarna Chatterjee, Eric Knorr, Stratos Idreos, Michael Mitzenmacher and Tim Kraska.
VLDB 2022.
Leveraging Query Logs and Machine Learning for Parametric Query Optimization.
Kapil Vaidya, Anshuman Dutt, Vivek Narasayya and Surajit Chaudhari.
VLDB 2022.
Partitioned Learned Bloom Filter. [Quanta Magazine][code]
Kapil Vaidya, Eric Knorr, Michael Mitzenmacher and Tim Kraska.
ICLR 2021.
The Case for a Learned Sorting Algorithm. [The morning paper] [code] [HackerNews] [Reddit]
Kapil Vaidya*, Ani Kristo*, Ugur Cetintemel, Sanchit Misra, and Tim Kraska.
SIGMOD 2020.
When Are Learned Models Better Than Hash Functions?.
Kapil Vaidya*, IbrahimSabek*, Dominik Horn, Andreas Kipf, and Tim Kraska.
AIDB Workshop @ VLDB 2021.
Defeating duplicates: A re-design of the LearnedSort algorithm. [blog]
Ani Kristo, Kapil Vaidya, and Tim Kraska.
AIDB Workshop @ VLDB 2021.
Ultra-Fast Bit-Level Frequency-Hopping Transmitter for Securing Low-PowerWireless Devices. [news]
Rabia Tugce Yazicigil, Phillip Nadeau, Daniel Richman, Chiraag Ju-vekar, Kapil Vaidya, and Anantha P. Chandrakasan.
IEEE Radio Frequency Inte-grated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) 2018.
Data-Centric Dynamic Partial Order Reduction.
Marek Chalupa, Krishnendu Chat-terjee, Andreas Pavlogiannis, Nishant Sinha, and Kapil Vaidya
POPL 2017.
You can contact me by sending a mail to kapilvaidya24@gmail.com.